Friday, 10/2/2020, Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels
Don’t Get Sassed Out
First Reading Commentary: Job 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5
Why is today’s first reading taken from the Book of Job? I don’t know exactly why the Church chose this reading for today. Today’s first reading changes every year. But let’s take a quick look at what had happened to Job up to this point.
Job was a good man and a very well-to-do man who fell on bad times both financially and physically. He became bitter and could not understand why God had allowed him to suffer so much. Three friends talk to Job and basically tell him that his sufferings were an invitation to repent.
Job refused to accept what he was being told and wanted to hear from God Himself. Job was granted his request and was taught to consider life from a much different point of view.
Take the time to look at all of the Book of Job. Then consider our guardian angels to be like the three friends who delivered speeches to Job. If Job had listened to his friends, he could have been spared a sassing out from God. The same is true for us. If we listen to our guardian angels, we will spare ourselves of God being disappointed with us which means that we will stay clear of God’s wrath. Instead, we will be blessed with God’s mercy and forgiveness.
We all have voices giving us advice. That does not make us crazy. It means that we have a conscience. Our conscience is the battle ground for the spiritual warfare that is waged inside of each of us.
The Holy Spirit is there with our guardian angel and all of the other messengers from God who are trying to persuade us to do what is right and good. But so is the evil one and his demons who will stop at nothing to derail us off the path of doing what will get us to heaven.
It is not always easy to know when our guardian angel is talking to us, but we will hear him/her if we listen. Sometimes, it is obvious. Have you ever been in the position of having a decision to make, maybe a seemingly unimportant decision, make a mistake and then look back and say, “I should have paid attention to that premonition?” That was probably your guardian angel talking to you. I know what that is like because I have failed to listen to my guardian angel many times.
So, as we celebrate our guardian angel today, let’s do two things. 1-Try to make a special effort to listen to our guardian angel. 2-Give our guardian angel some love and gratitude. Say, “Thank you!”
Thank Your Guardian Angel
Gospel Commentary: Matthew 18:1-5, 10
In today’s Gospel the disciples asked Jesus, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?” Jesus called a child over and told the disciples that they must become like children in order to enter the Kingdom of heaven. Jesus said, “And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.” Jesus gives this same message in Mark 9:33-37 and also Luke 9:46-48.
Children are innocent, open minded and trusting. These are qualities which are important to our faith and stand in the way of over-inflated egos and pride. What Jesus said to the disciples was a warning to stay away from the deadly sin of pride because there is no place for pride in His Kingdom of Heaven.
How much good would your guardian angel be to you if he or she were consumed with pride? They would not have time to look out for your best interest. They would not have time to protect you and keep you out of trouble. Let’s just say that they would not have time for you at all and therefore, would not protect you at all.
But Jesus lets us know that it is not that way by telling us not to despise the little ones because their angels in heaven always look upon the face of the Father. The message here is that our guardian angels do more than just protect us when we listen to them. They also intercede for us but there can be no intercession from them on our behalf if we are consumed with pride.
It’s a good thing that our guardian angels do not have time for pride because we all keep our guardian angels busy! I know that I keep mine busy. Sometimes we listen to them and sometimes we don’t. But our guardian angels are committed to receiving us and protecting us and they never give up on us. And so, we set this day aside to thank God for giving them to us and to say, “Thank you” to our Guardian Angels.
If you truly understand the point that Jesus was making when He asked that a child be brought to Him, you will also understand that the prayer that follows is child-like but not childish.
Prayer to our Guardian Angel
Angel of God,
my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me here,
ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard,
to rule and guide,